BKF Paper Award Winners
- Does Young and Small Firm More Efficient? Evidence from Indonesian Palm Oil Industry (Dyah Wulan Sari, Widya Sylviana, Haura Azzahra Tarbiyah Islamiya, Andi Faisal Anwar, Selvi Wahyunia Aminata Silva/Unair)
- Small and Medium Industry Export Development Strategy (Etty Puji Lestari/UT, Rossanto Dwi Handoyo/Unair, Kabiru Hannafi Ibrahim/Unair, Tri Kurniawati Retnaningsih/UT, Elok Lita Pradinda/Unair, Tamat Sarmidi/UKM, Yessi Rahmawati/Unair, Deni Kusumawardani/Unair, Tri Haryanto/Unair, Angga Erlando/Unair)
- Regional Income Disparities in Indonesia: Measurements, Convergence Process, and Decentralization (Andi Irawan/ITS)
Eligible Topics
The special session organized by the IRSA-BKF (Fiscal Policy Agency – Indonesian Ministry of Finance) aims to showcase innovative and insightful papers focusing on the long-term economic development of Indonesia. Specifically, the session seeks to explore strategies for fostering regional development convergence, enhancing linkages between large enterprises and small and medium enterprises, promoting exports, and integrating the country into global production networks. This special session provides an opportunity to engage in discussions about the challenges associated with Indonesia’s long-term economic development and potential solutions to address any related issues.
Relevant topics for papers in this special session include, but are not limited to:
- Fostering Regional Convergence by Promoting Long-Term Regional Development
- Cultivating Robust Linkages between Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Larger Industries
- Accelerating Economic Growth by Augmenting Investment Geared Towards Export Orientation.
We eagerly anticipate receiving contributions that shed light on these critical aspects of long-term economic development in Indonesia.
The Award
The selected papers will receive Rp. 3,000,000.- (three million rupiahs) per paper and an opportunity to present at the IRSA-BKF special session on the Long-Term Economic Development of Indonesia. Further, the authors will have the option to publish their works in the IRSA Book Series on Regional Development.
Defining strategies to ensure the attainment of the country’s long-term economic development targets is paramount. These strategies play a pivotal role in driving regional economic growth, including in remote archipelagic regions of Indonesia. They involve strengthening interconnections among enterprises of different scales, increasing investment in export-oriented industries to link Indonesia with broader global production networks. However, current experiences underscore persistent challenges hindering the smooth achievement of sustained high economic development over extended periods.
The myriad challenges in ensuring sustained high long-term economic development in Indonesia have resurfaced, emphasizing the necessity for solutions that foster equitable regional development, robust inter-industrial links, and expanded export capabilities. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive study focused on strategies for long-term economic development. Through the utilization of creativity and innovative ideas, this paper awards and special session aim to provide opportunities for academics to submit recommendations for addressing the issues surrounding strong long-term economic development. This includes enhancing the involvement and coordination between central and regional governments to ensure the implementation of appropriate policies.
The upcoming conference offers an ideal platform for in-depth discussions and the dissemination of innovative solutions and ideas to a wider audience. The special session organized by IRSA and BKF invites scholars to submit papers addressing these critical issues. This session provides an opportunity to present, discuss, and identify effective strategies to ensure sustained high long-term economic growth and its implications for achieving sustainable regional economic development in Indonesia.
How to Apply?
All papers related to the abovementioned topics submitted for presentation at the 19th IRSA International Conference will be considered for these IRSA-BKF Paper Awards. Three papers will be selected as winners. The papers should be presented at the conference, and all the terms and conditions of the IRSA Conference will apply to all applicants, i.e., paying the conference registration fee.
- Deadline for submitting an abstract: 18 April 2024
- Deadline for submitting the full paper: 15 June 2024
- Notification of Winners: 1 July 2024
Extended paper abstract of about 500 words should be submitted online via http://www.conftool.com/irsa2024 by 18 April 2024. The abstract should include background, data and methodology, potential contributions, and keywords. Abstracts must be submitted in English, as also the entire paper.