Day/date : Saturday and Sunday, 13-14 July 2024
Time : 08.30 -18.00 WIT
Place : Santika Hotel, Ambon, Maluku.
Brief description of the training:
While Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) are considered the gold standard in program evaluation, they come with stringent prerequisites, such as the availability of measurable counterfactuals, random selection of treatment and control groups, and a sufficiently large sample size to ensure statistical significance. These conditions make RCTs expensive and resource-intensive. Furthermore, RCTs cannot be used to evaluate past government social programs where experimental design was not implemented.
In cases where RCTs are impractical, quasi-experimental methods serve as a robust alternative for assessing program effectiveness. This pre-conference workshop is designed to provide participants with practical experience in applying advanced quasi-experimental methods using contemporary data, focusing particularly on issues relevant to Indonesia. Techniques covered will include Instrumental Variable (IV) Regression, Propensity Score Matching (PSM), and Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD).
Participants will receive hands-on exercises for each method, allowing them to apply what they’ve learned directly using Stata. Each session will begin with an in-depth explanation of the econometric principles underlying each method, followed by discussions on recent papers that employ these techniques. Participants will then engage in hands-on exercises using Stata to solidify their understanding, drawing from TNP2K’s extensive experience in utilizing these approaches for evaluating poverty alleviation programs in Indonesia.
Instructor: | Assistant: |
• Elan Satriawan, PhD. • Ahmad Tohari, PhD. • Nur Cahyadi, PhD (Cand). | • Hafiz Bagus Arifiyanto, SE. MSc. |
Workshop Outline:
- Introduction to Causal Inference and Program Evaluation
- Advanced Techniques:
- Instrumental Variable Regression – Theory and Application
- Propensity Score Matching – Enhanced Approaches
- Regression Discontinuity Design – Beyond Basics
- Case Studies: Impact Evaluation in Indonesia – Recent Developments and TNP2K Insights
- It is essential for the participants to bring your owned Stata installed PCs.
- Basic Stata coding skills are required.
- We limit class size for effectiveness of training delivery. Participants will be selected if number of applications exceeds the optimum class size. Hence please register as soon as possible.
- To register please fill out this form. Email it to wardisgirsang641(at)gmail.com and cc it to heriyaldi(at)unpad.ac.id.
- Our training staff will inform you of your registration status and if seats are still available for the training.
- Please note that there is a registration fee, which does not include the cost of traveling and accommodation to participate in this training as well as to attend the conference.
- Once your application is accepted, you need to pay the training fee as much as Rp. 1,250,000.- (one million two hundred fifty thousand Rupiah) per person for this training.
Any question regarding this training can be sent to: wardisgirsang641(at)gmail.com. For more information, see: https://ambon2024.irsa.or.id/pre-conference-workshop/.